This strip explains the men in my neighborhood and their lawn fetishes.
Paul M. Thayer
Currently, I’m an apartment dweller, but if I ever live in a house in town again, I will plant as much of my front yard as I can with flowers and bushes, and put a vegetable garden in my backyard. If I live in the country, I probably will fence my front yard and tether a goat or donkey to graze it, and have a fenced garden in my back yard. Alternately, if I were living in town, I would over-sow the yards with the shortest grass that I could find, and cut it just enough to keep the neighbors happy, and knock down the weeds during the driest part of the summer. Also, I actually like dandelions as well as Bluettes and Spring Beauties, so I would let them bloom in the spring. 🙂
This strip explains the men in my neighborhood and their lawn fetishes.
Currently, I’m an apartment dweller, but if I ever live in a house in town again, I will plant as much of my front yard as I can with flowers and bushes, and put a vegetable garden in my backyard. If I live in the country, I probably will fence my front yard and tether a goat or donkey to graze it, and have a fenced garden in my back yard. Alternately, if I were living in town, I would over-sow the yards with the shortest grass that I could find, and cut it just enough to keep the neighbors happy, and knock down the weeds during the driest part of the summer. Also, I actually like dandelions as well as Bluettes and Spring Beauties, so I would let them bloom in the spring. 🙂