Crossover!! 🙂 Make sure Wolf doesn’t follow you back, Will. Though, I can only imagine the conversations that may occur between Kenny and Wolf, and Wolf and the modern day wolves.
Helen R Rapozo
Another crossover: The Ants from “BC” and the fleas from “The Dogs of C-Kennel”!
JP Kalishek
it’d been fun if both the BC and Dogs had started with the same panel and format (~_^)
Crossover!! 🙂 Make sure Wolf doesn’t follow you back, Will. Though, I can only imagine the conversations that may occur between Kenny and Wolf, and Wolf and the modern day wolves.
Another crossover: The Ants from “BC” and the fleas from “The Dogs of C-Kennel”!
it’d been fun if both the BC and Dogs had started with the same panel and format (~_^)