Thursday April 1, 2021

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One thought on “Thursday April 1, 2021

  1. Lee

    Nice April Fools Joke there, Will. If we are talking Winter, then yep, Kenny is more suited to the outdoors. But, Spring and Summer are *your* groove. Your short fur doesn’t collect mud and leaves, only the worst burrs will stick, you are solar powered (I have seen how you pitties charge your batteries), and no varmint or rodent can evade your terrier tendencies.

    Kenny, on the other hand, has fur that collects *everything*, overheats in the summer, and squirrels laugh at his attempts to catch them.

    Now Iggy? That poor little guy is *definitely* not suited for the outdoors…at all…any season. I mean…that squirrel is as big as him and he probably gets sunburned due to his light color, not to mention no way to stay warm in the winter without some serious clothes. 😋

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