It is generally comics with common artists who have subtle connections to each other, such as B.C., Wizard of Id and Dogs of C Kennel with the Hart-Parker dynasty and Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois and perhaps Hagar the Horrible with the Browne-Walker dynasty of cartoonist families. Seeing Bung about to do this, makes me wonder if he might be an ancestor of Holly Budd Winkerbean from the Batiuk world.
It is generally comics with common artists who have subtle connections to each other, such as B.C., Wizard of Id and Dogs of C Kennel with the Hart-Parker dynasty and Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois and perhaps Hagar the Horrible with the Browne-Walker dynasty of cartoonist families. Seeing Bung about to do this, makes me wonder if he might be an ancestor of Holly Budd Winkerbean from the Batiuk world.