Cartoonists make a living by being funny, that is the requirement of their job. Thus Lady Godiva does get the humor treatment with the stereotypes required for such jokes. If anyone wants to know the REAL Lady Godiva, Countess of Mercia and co-founder of Coventry England, UK of GB they can look her up on Wikipedia or other educational sources, Encyclopedia Brittanica, either book or website options may also give an accurate account of this noble tax protester and her humiliating sacrifice for her people.
Cartoonists make a living by being funny, that is the requirement of their job. Thus Lady Godiva does get the humor treatment with the stereotypes required for such jokes. If anyone wants to know the REAL Lady Godiva, Countess of Mercia and co-founder of Coventry England, UK of GB they can look her up on Wikipedia or other educational sources, Encyclopedia Brittanica, either book or website options may also give an accurate account of this noble tax protester and her humiliating sacrifice for her people.