Thursday January 5, 2023

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7 thoughts on “Thursday January 5, 2023

  1. JanPopoli

    This appeared on Day of Funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict. Am I imisreading the implications?
    Or is this inappropriate.

  2. Patricia Miller

    I regret to say that I find today’s comic insensitive to Christians, whose bishops are given the traditional mitre as a symbol of their duties as our shepherds. Jesus teaches us not to “lord it over” others, and that the last shall be first. These lessons are particularly modeled by our bishops and especially, by the Pope. For this cartoon to appear on the day of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s funeral is in extremely poor taste, since Pope Benedict was known for his spirituality, humility and gentleness. Whatever the excesses of the past were, the church today is far removed from them. Most of our priests and bishops are true servants, self-sacrificing beyond our knowledge, while remaining unique human beings. No one is perfect, but this caricature took it too far.

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