Wednesday September 14, 2011 0.00 avg. rating (0% score) - 0 votes Post navigation 4 thoughts on “Wednesday September 14, 2011” william gore sr. September 14, 2011 at 2:18 pm thank you for both great 09/11 strips. Angus September 14, 2011 at 6:31 pm What Sir Rodney needs, other than a spine, is a dragonfire-proof shield. Carbon steel foundation, layer of insulation, layer of ceramic, then outer layer of carbon steel and a padded ceramic handle. admin September 19, 2011 at 10:26 pm … and probably cheaper than a spine… admin September 19, 2011 at 10:28 pm You’re welcome! Thank you for commenting. Comments are closed.
Angus September 14, 2011 at 6:31 pm What Sir Rodney needs, other than a spine, is a dragonfire-proof shield. Carbon steel foundation, layer of insulation, layer of ceramic, then outer layer of carbon steel and a padded ceramic handle.
thank you for both great 09/11 strips.
What Sir Rodney needs, other than a spine, is a dragonfire-proof shield. Carbon steel foundation, layer of insulation, layer of ceramic, then outer layer of carbon steel and a padded ceramic handle.
… and probably cheaper than a spine…
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