Thursday September 23, 2021

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2 thoughts on “Thursday September 23, 2021

  1. Rob

    I wondered how breaking the sound barrier with a golf ball worked out.
    I went to google …

    The speed of sound is 761 mph, so 762 mph does break the sound barrier

    About ball speed, “the most important is Ball Speed. … The optimum number is a 1:1.5 ratio between clubhead speed and ball speed. This number is referred to as the Smash Factor. In other words, at 100 mph of clubhead speed, a solid blow will send the ball at 150 mph off the face of a legal driver.”

    Then I did the math

    the speed the ball needs to break the sound barrier= speed of the swing (s) multiplied by the ratio (1.5)

    Now the math..
    762 mph= s*1.5
    762/1.5= s* (1.5/1.5)
    508 mph = speed of the club needed to drive the ball faster than the speed of sound (breaking the sound barrier)

    Before you laugh I graduated high school in 1971 so this kind of math was last practiced some time back…

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