B.C. Easter Sunday feedback

Letters from fans:
Loved your Easter B.C. comic!
Thanks for reminding the reader about this day which changed the entire world.
Keep it up.
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
You’re to be commended for running a strip every Easter that in someway tells people about the resurrection. Thank you. Today it’s really needed!
Surprise, Arizona
Once again, it was extra special reading/seeing Easter’s B.C. reminder that the ‘freedom of the press’ does not die easily (no pun intended) and yesterday’s cartoon quietly – and loudly – decreed that ‘He is risen, indeed!’
Thanks… from more than a few of us.
Palatine, Illinois
I really enjoyed your Easter strip! That was a very poignant and humorous way to express the pivotal event of resurrection.
Thanks for showing us new ways to see the surprise of that great event. 😀
Centralia, ?? (Beverly, let me know! – Patti)
Thank you all for your kind words of praise!
When I took over B.C. in 2007, I made a promise to myself to attempt to continue my grandfather’s legacy of an inspirational strip on Easter.
I value and appreciate your feedback.

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