Check out Funnies-Extra!

With the shrinking of many newspaper comic sections, we believe the time is right for a publication that promotes the comics industry.

To that end, B.C., Wizard of Id and Dogs of C-Kennel have joined an exciting venture called Funnies Extra!, a free, 16 page, full-color humor newspaper containing over 40 comic strips, eight puzzles, fun facts, a humor column and a page that spotlights up-and-coming cartoonists.

Run as independent businesses, there are currently four Funnies Extra! newspapers up and running with several more scheduled to start soon and dozens more on the horizon.

We were considering a “Kickstarter-type” fundraiser to help raise $25,000 to purchase full-color countertop display racks to help identify Funnies Extra! in stores and get our publishers off to a good start. But since we have 40 plus cartoonists involved, we’ve decided to attempt the fundraising on our own directly through you, our fans.
In return for your generosity, we are offering the following:
For a donation of any amount up to $29, you’ll receive an acknowledgement on the Funnies Extra! web site and our sincere appreciation.
For a $30 donation, you’ll receive a color, autographed B.C., Wiz or Dogs print of your choice, as well as an acknowledgement on the Funnies Extra! web site.
For a $250 donation, you’ll receive an autographed Dogs of C-Kennel daily original of Mick’s choosing, as well as an acknowledgement on the Funnies Extra! web site.
For a $500 donation, you’ll receive an autographed B.C. original of Mason’s choosing, as well as an acknowledgement on the Funnies Extra! web site.
Donate $2000 and you’ll receive a Brant Parker Wizard of Id or a Johnny Hart B.C. original of Hart Studios choosing, as well as an acknowledgement on the Funnies Extra! web site.
Go here and click on “Make a Donation” by the strip of your choice. We will e-mail you for your choice of products (where applicable), or feel free to e-mail Bill at with that information. Thank you!

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